5th YES Congress 2019 “Rocking Earth’s Future”
The German Chapter of the Young Earth Scientists Network (YES) is pleased to announce the 5th International YES Congress 2019 "Rocking Earth's Future" to be held at the Freie Universität Berlin in Berlin, Germany from 9 - 13 September 2019.
The YES Network an international association of young and early career Earth scientists who are primarily under the age of 35 or are within ten years after graduating form their PhD, and are from universities, geosciences organizations and companies from across the world. The YES Network was formed as a result of the International Year of Planet Earth in 2007. Previous YES Congresses were organized in 2009 in China, 2012 in Australia, 2014 in Tanzania, 2017 in Iran. The Congresses generally focus on climate, environmental and geoscience challenges facing today’s society, as well as career and academic pathway challenges faced by early career geoscientists. |
In 2019, the 5th International YES Congress, will have the theme Rocking Earth’s Future.
Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. Although most people live less than 100 years, each one of them has a considerable impact on our planet. In order to ensure a livelihood for humanity for generations to come we are required to change - yet change is usually happening slowly as we tend to favor routine over change. Especially the young generations are required to pursue change. The current and future grand challenges of global change are manifold and include rapid population growth, increasing urbanization, global warming, contamination of water and soil, the continuing transition of our economy to post-industrialism and related increase in vulnerabilities. For early career earth sciences researchers, the task is to ensure that humanity is prepared to tackle all these challenges in a smart and sustainable way. This requires hard facts, reproducible and transparent science and a sound commitment. |
Important deadlines:
Contact the Organizing Committee: [email protected] |
The 5th YES Congress 2019 will attempt at “rocking earth’s future” by focusing on six large topical issues:
The 5th YES Congress 2019 will attempt at “rocking earth’s future” by focusing on six large topical issues:
Ashes to Ashes - Understanding Earth processes
The physical and chemical nature of Earth's deep interior is key in controlling many of the processes that shape our planet: from mantle convection to volcanism, from plate tectonics to sedimentation. Dynamic processes are changing the earth constantly and give impulses for shaping the earth's surface or the evolution of organisms. This topic welcomes session contributions on all aspects which are important for our understanding of earth processes.
Unboxing Earth - Interdisciplinary problem solving
Due to its complexity, science is split into disciplines and knowledge put into neatly labeled boxes. Unfortunately, an attempt to constrain a continuum like nature into boxes is destined to fail in most cases. Out-of-the box and interdisciplinary science is a challenging path as many mental and physical hurdles are to be taken. Those who take this path have extraordinary stories to tell. Fellow wanders should make camp and invite others to tell of problems and solutions found on this bumpy road.
Heritage Earth - Sustainable Resource Management
Resources of all kinds are limited and this already is or will be in conflict with their ever increasing demand. At the same time, their exploitation often has huge impacts on the environment. Sustainable resource management covers both aspects and includes, among others, the development of more effective and environmentally less harmful technologies in exploitation, increasing recycling, designing remediation strategies of mining wastes, and holistic post-utilization concepts. In this topic, we welcome all session contributions aiming towards a (more) sustainable resource management.
Society at Risk - Impacting Earth phenomena
The adventure between humans and the Earth has started 4.5 million years ago with the appearance of our ancestors and we, their successors, changed the 'Blue Marble' significantly. As a result of population growth, necessity of the natural sources has significantly increased. Human activities - such as agriculture, mining, settlements, etc. - impact the natural environment considerably and most of the time dramatically. Humans affect water resources, wetlands, forests, air quality, in fact nature in a single word. As a consequence of these impacts, humankind has to learn how to do responsible and sustainable management of natural resources. In this session, we would like to discuss different aspects of the human impacts on Earth phenomena from different perspectives.
Brave New World - Advanced technologies in Earth sciences
Nowadays every scientist has to keep up with the latest advances in technologies since most research depends on novel techniques. Whether it is the faster, more efficient or more precise way to collect and process data, new technology is what makes science more exciting. Therefore in this topic we accept session proposals related to methods aiming to visualize, collect, process or organize data using emerging techniques. This can include a variety of topics ranging from new instrumentation over 4D imaging to new softwares in geoscience.
Beyond Printing - Communicating science
Communicating your science to a variety of audiences is critical for us as scientists. Be it communicating to policy makers, to journalists, companies or to schools - making others understand why your research matters, how its results impact them, and how it helps to tackle our current global challenges is just as important as doing the science itself. We therefore accept session proposals that focus on a variety of ways of communicating your geoscientific research!